This program will not take place in 2019. Call 703 431-1033 for information.
Step Up Your Health Challenge
On May 6, 2018 Four schools earned money for their school’s health and wellness initiatives by participating in the Loudoun Youth Step Up Your Health Challenge.
- Algonkian Elementary earned $2,254 + the $500 bonus for largest team for a total of $2,754!
- Potowmack ES earned $217
- Hamilton ES earned $210
- River Bend MS earned $140
- Total grants given out for healthy initiatives: $3,321
This event is presented in conjunction with the Oath 5K and Family Fun Run. Each group earns 70% of their group’s 5k and Fun Run pre-registration fees with just 10 (or more) participants. All you have to do is commit your group to the race, share the information, encourage a group to run and then watch the cash come in. Runners can be faculty, parents, students, neighbors, anyone who registers on your team. Think of it like a Spirit Night, but instead of getting 10% of a $6 pizza buffet, you’ll earn 70% of pre-registration fees (that’s about $21 of the $30 fee for the 5K and about $7 of the $10 fee for the Fun Run for online preregistrations)! Your team could earn thousands!
Contact us at info@loudounyouth.org about how to be a sponsor of this event!