
Loudoun Youth Inc.

What do Teens think about LYI?

Loudoun Youth Leadership Program 2020:

“I enjoyed the week a lot! I was able to learn so much about leadership and meet some great people! I wish we were able to be there in person, but that was not possible this year. I am looking forward to do this again next year! Thank you again for this wonderful experience!”


“Thank you for putting on such a wonderful and educational program for us this year! I’ve been practicing with different types of leadership at my internship, and I used what we learned through this program to actually give a presentation about leadership to my co-interns. All the guest speakers have have helped me learn so much this summer. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity.”


Major Accomplishments of Loudoun Youth Inc:

The Loudoun Chamber announced Loudoun Youth Inc. as Nonprofit Business of the year in 2016. For the full story and more details, visit: www.loudounchamber.org

Since our establishment, Loudoun Youth Inc. has raised and invested over $1,000,000 for youth programs throughout Loudoun County.